For Buying / Selling / Information and Assessment of Properties

DHA Multan Property Prices

Price Update

All Property Prices are estimated and based on market surveys in order to facilitate our valued clients. Errors and Omissions are expected.

DHA Multan Property Prices

(Updated on 19-05-2022)

Phase - 1


Block 2 Kanal 1 Kanal 10 Marla 5 Marla
Price in Lac Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
A 98 120
B1 55 75
B2 95 110
D 105 125
E 92 110
G 90 105
H 110 190
I 105 140
K 104 135
L 90 110
M 112 155
N 105 138
O 100 130
P 37 45
Q 100 138
R 103 128
S 96 118
T 37 48
U 95 120 65 85
V 35 42
W1 79 95
W2 78 95
X 90 115
Y 95 120